Healthy Vanilla Latte Recipe

Healthy Vanilla Latte Recipe

Non - Alcoholic Drinks

You all know by now that us girls freaking love coffee. It is like a favorite past time.

Well, I always struggled with making my coffee way to freaking sweet. Like, I pretty much ate a candy bar first thing in the morning. Then, I would have another and another. The day that I realized that I needed to change things up was when I was in the drive thru at McDonalds and asked for 10 sugar packets….. ya…. I think I am just going to just stop right there….

So, ever since then I have been on a mission to find the absolute best for you coffee that still tastes amazing. Well, my friends, I think I outdid myself this time. I am not even joking. This Healthy Vanilla Coffee recipe is freaking amazeballs! Like holy freaking cow how did I not come up with this years ago?

One day I was walking through Trader Joe’s and saw this thing in the spice section called “Vanilla Bean Paste”. Have you heard of such a thing? I know I sure haven’t. It was crazy and I grabbed it as a just in case. I figured I would be able to use it for something at some point in my life hahahaha.

Well, one morning I was making coffee and thought it would be cool to go to Starbucks instead and get myself an amazing Vanilla Latte. Then, I remembered the vanilla paste I found and thought I would experiment.

So, I tried a few different things and holy moly I am obsessed. I seriously want to have this ever freaking morning! You have to try it. Just promise me you will try it. If you are struggling with getting your sugar down in your coffee, please just try this one recipe.

Healthy Vanilla Latte Recipe by The Drink Addicts.jpg


  • 12 ounces of coffee

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste

  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

  • 1.5 teaspoons honey


  • Add all ingredients to a blender

  • Pulse 3 times

  • Pour and enjoy!

  • p.s. you can top it with whipped cream and oohhhh lordie its amazing!

Serving Size:

Serves 1


If you try this recipe make sure to comment below and let us know what you think… or if you changed up the recipe let us know all the deets! Just comment below.

Wishing you an amazing day and delicious coffee!

- The Young Girls -

P.S. if you love this recipe make sure to check these out:

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