Healthy Chocolate Peppermint Latte Recipe for Intermittent Fasting

Healthy Chocolate Peppermint Latte Recipe for Intermittent  Fasting

Healthy Chocolate Peppermint Latte Recipe for Intermittent Fasting

Non - Alcoholic Drinks

So you want to have an incredibly yummy Christmas latte but you don’t want all the calories. Further more, you want to actually stick to your intermittent fasting schedule. It seems like it is an impossible ask right? Well, we have been trying and trying to figure out a good recipe and we actually found one!!! Yay!

Now, by all means, this is no Starbucks Latte recipe nor is it close to our delicious Healthy Vanilla Latte; however, it is definitely going to give you that Christmas feeling and allow you to stick to your fasting schedule.

In order to drink this guy you are going to need an awesome mug. Check out these awesome coffee mugs that will also keep your hands warm!!:

The only side note is to tell you that everyone is different. The only way to truly know if you are breaking your fast is by testing your levels. You will need to buy a kit online to test your levels before you drink the coffee and then after you drink it. This way you can see if your insulin was triggered which will tell you if your body was put into feeding mode. So, that is my caution to you. Every body is different and will react differently to what is put inside it. Some people can have full on bullet proof coffee and not break their fast. Some people can have a tablespoon of cream and not break their fast. For me both of the above breaks my fast :(

So just know your body, test your body, and find out what works for you.

This recipe was inspired by Bessie Roaming. Make sure to check out her awesome healthy adventure recipes!

Alright let us actually talk about the recipe now and get this Christmas in a cup goodness into your hands, to your taste buds, and then in your belly!

Healthy Chocolate Peppermint Latte Recipe

Healthy Chocolate Peppermint Latte Recipe for Fasting by The Drink Addicts.jpg


  • 12 ounces of coffee

  • 1/6 table spoon of unsalted butter (you need to make sure that you are having less than 30 calories)

  • 5 drops Chocolate Stevia

  • 1 drop of Peppermint Stevia


  • Add all ingredients to a blender

  • Pulse 3 times

  • Pour and enjoy!

  • p.s. you can top it with whipped cream and marsh-mellows.. oohhhh lordie its amazing!

Need the ingredients? Here you go:

Did you try this one and love it? Did you change it up at all? Make sure to leave us a comment below and let us know how you changed it to make it your own or if you loved it just the way it was :)

Don’t forget to share it with your friends too!!

Wishing you an amazing holiday season!

- The Young Girls -

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