Low Sugar Margarita Recipe | Zevia Cocktail Recipes

Low Sugar Margarita Recipe | Zevia Cocktail Recipes

Low Sugar Margarita Recipe

Zevia Cocktail Recipes

Alcoholic Drink

Margaritas are freaking amazing. I love a good margarita, but man they do pack a punch when it comes to sugars and calories. So, we decided it was time to create a lower calorie lower sugar Margarita recipe :) Yay!

Ok, so next time it is Taco Tuesday make sure to spice that dinner up with one of these low sugar margarita’s!

Now, to be honest I am obsessed with cute little glasses. For some reason they really make mixed drinks so much cooler! I end up feeling so special or fancy when I make a mixed drink and then have a neat little glass to put it in and I found the absolute perfect glasses for margaritas. Check these out:

ok ok ok, enough with the super cute little glasses. Lets get to the Margarita Recipe!!

Here we go:



Low Sugar Margarita Recipe - Zevia Cocktail Recipes by the Drink Addicts.jpg



  • Run the lime wedge along the rim of each glass

  • Pour salt on a plate and dip the glass into the salt to create a salt rim

  • Add ice to the glasses

  • Pour in Tequila and Triple Sec into each glass

  • Top with Mountain Zevia

  • Add Lime Wedge

  • Enjoy!

    Serving Size:

  • Serves 2 adults

If you have tried this one make sure to comment below and let us know what you think! We love hearing your feedback or if you made any tweaks to the recipe :)

Now, Let’s Drink!

- The 4 Young Sisters -

Yosemite Elopement Photographer