Lavender Whiskey Smash Recipe | Low Calorie Zevia Cocktail Recipe

Lavender Whiskey Smash Recipe | Low Calorie Zevia Cocktail Recipe

Lavender Whiskey Smash Recipe

Low Calorie Zevia Cocktail Recipe

Alcoholic Drink

Lavender Whiskey Smash Recipe Zevia Cocktail Recipes by the Drink Addicts.jpg

Oh man, whiskey has always been my go to ever since college. I was the Whiskey girl. Now days, I still have a love for whiskey, but I am loving it much more in mixed drinks rather than just straight shots lol.

Then a few years back our oldest sister started getting into essential oils. Yep, Lavender was the very first thing she tried and of course the rest of us girls tried it right after her. We are now obsessed.

So, you really can’t ask for a more perfect drink. Lavender and Whiskey? Yes please! It seriously is the perfect evening drink just to hang out at home and relax :)



  • In a glass, muddle together the lavender buds and lemon to release their oils

  • Fill glass with ice

  • Pour whiskey

  • Pour Zevia Lemon Lime Mixer into glass

  • Stir to combine ingredients

  • Add Garnish

Serving Size:

  • Serves 1 adult

If you try this one make sure to comment below and let us know what you think. If you added something to it or changed up the recipe we would love to hear so make sure to comment below :)


- The 4 Sisters -

Yosemite Elopement Photographer